Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 10, 2011

Mob stormed the police headquarters hit people

The man sent a complaint commune police broke his head during chong set the testimony. However, the police chief and the social acceptance of a re-affirm the mob broke into the offices of his right to beat this injury.

Recently, Truong Cong Toan workers (40 years old, a native of Nghe An) filed by police accused Khanh Binh, Tan Uyen (Binh Duong) and an unknown identity type injured. chong set
Anh Toan wasAnh Toan left the police at Khanh Binh. Photo: Yue Korea
According to this man, on the afternoon of 26/10 when he and a group of workers are clearing equipment in Vietnam Development projects, Khanh Binh, then suddenly said Nguyen Van Chuong (47 years old, a native of An Giang) to ask for money of.
Because the contractor was on his way to work found out how salaries should wait a few hours he'll be paid. When that group of workers clearing away equipment, he stated Chapter fear they fled attachment motorcycle pulled Toan. Because money-talk not related to her so angry he hit the tree holding his hands Programs.
After receiving information is for fighting, police Khanh Binh took to the field and invite people to the settlement office. "Now take testimony, I was wearing a
chong set commune police, and a man dressed in white type to fall back, head-first into the wall," he said Toan.
According to this man, he was beaten about 4 cm laceration on the forehead, the blood flowing wet clothes. Although he tried to beg Full text beaten to faint. Later he was to be committed to but have no idea what. The same day, the workers took him to the emergency Toan.Anh Toan was taken to the emergency hospital. Photo: Yue Korea
Talking to, Mr. Nguyen Le Doan camera quan sat (permanent police Khanh Binh), the direct acceptance of the claim at that time was busy taking statements concerned people in the room, a stranger Toan assail his injuries. Song of the workers present at the scene of the scuffle and also invited the police headquarters said, apart from his group are also too few people wearing the same room and commune police handled the incident.
But Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Tuan (Head of Khanh Binh police) said busy going to school that afternoon. When the authorities found two people injured, but he did not know the tong dai dien thoai cause of the trouble. The commune police chief also said that very likely he Toan outsider being attacked by the mob happened blatantly broke into police headquarters to address type enclosure for his accomplices.
"We are conducting access review and clarify who beat him seriously injured Toan at police headquarters for processing in accordance with," Tuan said.

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